Hand Roll White Sage Dipped Indian Incense Stick Negativity Removing Reiki Smoke



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Soothe your spirit and dispel negative energy when you burn this sweet, hand-rolled White Sage incense. Burn this premium, high-quality Indian incense in your home to remove negative energy, exorcise evil supernatural spirits, impart wisdom, and let it aid in Chakra healing during a spiritual Reiki experience. White sage's sweet, relaxing aroma helps cleanse and purify your home or other area without overwhelming the senses. Use white sage's fragrant smoke to protect you from evil and freshen any room in which its lit. Burn incense during a seance or ceremony to elevate mood, enhance psychic awareness, and thwart evil spirits. Made from a natural blend of rare herbs, this incense is perfect for those who want to keep negative energy out of their homes or living space. Each box of this high-quality Indian incense comes with premium, hand-dipped sticks ready for removing negativity and soothing your psyche. Each slow-burning stick measures approximately 8 3/4" long and each box ships with our 100% customer satisfaction guarantee.

Hand Rolled Negativity Removing Reiki Smoke Features:

  • Soothe your spirit and dispel negative energy when you burn this sweet, hand-rolled White Sage incense
  • Use white sage smoke for removing negativity in your home or let it help with Chakra healing during Reiki
  • Protect your home from malevolent spirits with this hand-dipped white sage Indian incense
  • Cleanse and purify your home with this naturally-blended rare herb-scented smoke
  • Each slow-burning stick measures approx 8 3/4" long and each box ships with our 100% customer satisfaction guarantee